He was born in Palero of Etoloakarnania in 1921 and died in 2003. As a kid he was writing articles that were published in various school magazines. He studies Law at the Athens University, but his true passion was theatre. He tries to get accepted at the Drama School of the National Theatre but he is rejected, (the same year the School rejects Dinos Iliopoulos and Vasilis Diamantopoulos). The irony is that later he will become an actor, he will direct plays and they will be shown at the National Theatre. He will also become a regular professor at the National Theatre, which initially rejected him. He finally studies Drama at the “Giannouli Sarantidi” Drama School. Dimopoulos was a multitalented artist. He has written seven theatrical plays, he directed more than 50 theatrical plays and made more than 50 films.
He began acting and was labeled as a lead male star, receiving many positive and promising reviews from the cinema critics, however Finos Films advised him that he should be directing. His films became instant successes at the box office and also got accepted in numerous international festivals. He had the luck and the time to be recognized as a successful and talented director before his retirement and he was awarded with many Prizes. From 1980’s he focused in writing and gave the Greek public many of the most important literary works of the time.